Do you
know “Hic Manebimus Optime” ???
Manebimus Optime” is a trademark of Palazzo Ferretti ©
Copyright 2008-2020
does “Hic manebimus optime” mean ?
Livius reports about this Latin sentence.
Livius was a Roman historian who wrote a monumental
history of Rome (“Ab Urbe Condita”) about the origin of Rome
(traditionally dated to 753 BC) through the reign of Augustus (the age when
Jesus Christ was born).
Livius wrote that the sentence “Hic manebimus
optime” was pronounced by a soldier during the civil
war between “plebei” (poor) and “patrizi” (aristocrats). Plebei were
against Patrizi because their poor condition of life: plebei were not slaves
but “working poor” under the orders of Patrizi families.
At that
time, Marcus Furius Camillus, a very important senator, addressed to the
plebei who intended to abandon the city and commute to Velio, an old city
that was gained by Rome in nearby.
Furius Camillus didn’t success to convince the plebei to remain at Rome, and
they were on the point to leave Rome when a “centuriore” (a Roman soldier),
that was coming back from the battle against
Velio, stopped in the area and said: “Hic manebimus optime”, i.e. “Here
we’ll stay very well”. The plebei understood that Rome was a good place to
live, and they changed their minds. The Rome history went on thanks to the
“Hic manebimus optime” sentence of an unknown soldier.
about Palazzo Ferretti ? Why we like this sentence ?
want to use this motto because we think that Pietrasanta is a wonderful
place to enjoy local food and wine, to have holidays on the beach, to relax,
to study art and history, to carve marble, to visit the surroundings and so
you agree ? Do you like this Latin motto ?
Let us know your comments.
